Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Leadership Theory - Mark Zuckerberg

Mark is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company. He leads the design of Facebook's service and development of its core technology and infrastructure.

“Understanding people is not a waste of time.”
—Mark Zuckerberg

Image result for mark zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg illustrates the transformational leadership style in action. He is described as encouraging and aggressive. A person who always demands constant innovation and growth, he loves debates and challenges. He uses all 3 styles of leadership (autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire). He commands his employees to do their assigned work but also constantly asks for feedback from everybody. He believes in his employees and treats them equally. Some reasons why his employees love him are:

  • He is Throwing Away Traditional Hierarchies: Rather than slotting people into roles based on age and experience, everyone’s ideas are valued in clear and obvious ways.
  • He is Removing Barriers: Part of doing away with hierarchies is breaking down the barriers between executives and other employees. Zuckerberg’s office has glass walls. 
  • He has Legitimacy: He single-handedly took an idea and using his own skills and savvy he turned it into an empire. He changed the way we stay connected with each other
  • He has a Clear Vision: Mark Zuckerberg’s life’s ambition is to create a more open and connected world and his commitment to that goal is unwavering.
  • He is fearless: Whether or not his employees agree with his decisions, Zuckerberg has the courage to act and the intelligence to back up his decisions
  • He Ignores Pointless Workplace Traditions: Zuckerberg shows respect for his employees by measuring the quality of their work, not by nitpicking the way they dress or decorate their desks. The CEO himself regularly wears jeans and hoodies to work, setting the example that it is the work that matters, not the minutiae.
  • He Gives Out Perks: It is hard to bash a boss who provides free lunches and a relaxed work environment. Being able to de-stress without leaving your workplace is a luxury that not many employees have.
  • He Empowers Employees: Employees at Facebook are able to act in creative ways outside the confines of bureaucracy and tradition that exist at many other larger companies. It is a difficult thing to run a company with thousands of employees in a way that maintains adaptability at the individual level.
  • He is Deeply Involved: Give most people $33 billion and you will have a very hard time getting them to ever show up at work again. The fact that Mark Zuckerberg remains so engaged and deeply involved with the vision and operations of Facebook demonstrates that he is not in it for the money, he legitimately wants to change the world.
  • He Communicates and is Available: The “Zuck Reviews” described way back at bullet number one of this article speak to Zuckerberg’s commitment to effective and regular communication. Zuckerberg stays engaged without micro-managing, the trademark of a great leader.
Despite all these strengths he has weaknesses like any other CEO.
One of his weaknesses that he is aware of is that sometimes he doesn't consult with his board before he makes decisions.

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