Friday, December 28, 2018

Pengurusan (Management)


Pengurusan adalah proses menggunakan apa yang anda ada {SUMBER}, untuk melakukan apa yang anda mahu lakukan .... {MATLAMAT}

Organisasi dan penyelarasan aktiviti perniagaan untuk mencapai matlamat yang ditetapkan.

Lebih terperinci diberikan oleh George R Terry. Menurut Terry - "pengurusan adalah proses yang berbeza yang merangkumi perancangan, penganjuran, pengaktifan, dan pengendalian aktiviti yang dilakukan untuk menentukan dan menyelesaikan objektif dengan menggunakan orang dan sumber."

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Prinsip Pengurusan - Pemimpin (Pemimpin) VS Pengurus (Manager)

Ciri-ciri Pemimpin Efektif (Characteristics Of Effective Leadership)

1) Kecerdasan Emosi (Emotional Intelligence)
- Ambil tahu perihal dan emosi pekerjanya
- Bantu selesaikan masalah dalaman pekerjanya

2) Berwibawa (Integrity)
- Jujur dengan diri sendiri dan orang lain
- Memainkan wataknya yang telus dan amanah mana saja tak kira orang perhatikan dia atau tidak (Originally Good Person & Responsible)

3) Optimis/ Pemacu (Optimistic/ Drive)
- Dia bawa sekali diri bersama pengikutnya untuk capai gol dan kejayaan

Ringkasan yang boleh kita buat, Pengurus berciri-ciri bertentangan dengan ciri-ciri Pemimpin seperti diatas.

Prinsip Pengurusan - Konsep Kepimpinan (Leadership)

Pemimpin adalah seseorang yang memimpin melalui contoh dan mempunyai integriti untuk melakukan perkara yang betul walaupun ia tidak popular.

Pemimpin yang baik mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap orang lain, memberi inspirasi kepada orang lain untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik. Pemimpin juga seorang contoh model untuk orang lain yang dijadikan acuan pembentukan personaliti dan akhlak dalam kehidupan seharian orang lain.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Prinsip Pengurusan - The Major Leadership Theories

The Major Leadership Theories

1. "Great Man" Theories
(Keyword: Born To Be A Great Leader, Tawarkan Diri)

- CONTOH 1: Ketika perjumpaan kelas BFM1 diadakan bagi mencadang, melantik dan membentuk carta organisasi kelas, Penasihat Akademik membuka ruang untuk pelajar kelas BFM1 mencadang calon ketua kelas tetapi tiba-tiba, Ali seorang pelajar kelas itu bangun nak cadangkan dan tawarkan dirinya untuk menjadi ketua kelas itu lalu mendapat persetujuan majoriti kelas maka Ali dilantik menjadi ketua kelas BFM1.
- CONTOH 2: Madaline dan Shamsul adalah juruteknik yang ditugaskan menyelenggara kemudahan elekrik di sebuah Hotel, pada suatu hari itu ketika mereka berdua sedang membaik pulih lampu yang rosak di tempat letak kereta Hotel, mereka ternampak Encik Ali iaitu majikan sedang mengangkat banyak barang keluar dari keretanya, Madaline secara sukarela tawarkan diri tanpa diminta untuk pergi tolong Encik Ali angkat barang, manakala Shamsul tawarkan diri untuk bantu Madaline siapkan saki baki kerja membaik pulih lampu rosak itu. Ini membuktikan berdua pengamal teori Pemimpin jenis Great Man.

2. Trait Theories
(Keyword: Born To Be A Genius Leader, Care, Prihatin, Berkorban, Sebab Dia Paling Kreatif Jadi Ideanya Itu Membuatkan Dia Perlu Jadi Pemimpin, Dilahirkan Terus Bijak Dan Tahu Memimpin Seperti Sudah Berpengalaman Lama Dalam Bidang Kepimpinan)
- CONTOH 1: Syahin seorang tukang paip upahan, ramai pelanggan suka memanggil Syahin untuk datang baiki paip yang rosak di rumah mereka kerana servis yang Syahin tawarkan berharga murah kerana menggunakan barang kitar semula sahaja. Niat Syahin membuat perniagaan itu adalah untuk bantu orang yang mahu baiki paip tetapi memiliki peruntukan kewangan yang sikit, dengan cara menggunakan barang kitar semula dan kreativiti diri, Syahin kini mampu menyelesaikan banyak masalah kerosakan paip yang berkualiti tinggi tanpa menggunakan kos yang tinggi.

3. Contingency Theories
(Keyword: Spare, Perkara Diluar Jangkaan, Terpaksa, Terdesak, Tiada Pilihan, Menawarkan Diri Berdasarkan Situasi Yang Mendesak)

: Situasi ini berlaku ketika di medan peperangan, semua ketua perang sudah mati dan pasukannya hampir tewas, hanya tinggal anak buah sahaja, salah seorang daripada anak buah itu terpaksa jadi ketua baru untuk memimpin pasukannya untuk selamatkan diri dari serangan musuh dan merangka rancangan untuk keluar dari medan perang lalu berlindung ditempat yang selamat. Anak buah yang mengetuai pasukan itu memiliki teori Pemimpin jenis ini.

4. Transactional Theories

(Keyword: Exchange Theories, Menjanjikan Ganjaran Jika Capai Sesuatu, Denda Kalau Tak Patuh Sesuatu)

: Pensyarah menjanjikan pelajarnya lulus subjeknya jika siapkan tugasan serta menuruti peraturan kelasnya. Jika gagal turuti peraturan kelasnya seperti hadir lewat ke kelas, pelajar itu akan diberi arahan untuk keluar dari kelasnya. Ini dapat memotivasikan pelajarnya agar memberi fokus dan bersungguh-sungguh menuntut ilmu serta memberi komitmen yang besar untuk kuasai subjek yang diajar pensyarah itu.
- CONTOH 2: Coach Izzul seorang jurulatih bola sepak, Izzul menjanjikan kemenangan untuk pasukan bola sepak JDT sekiranya para pemain pasukan bola sepak JDT itu mengikuti semua latihannya dan memberi kerjasama yang padu terhadap pimpinannya. Sekiranya pasukan itu gagal memenuhi kehendak dan peraturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Izzul, Izzul berkata bukan sahaja tiada sebarang pencapaian buat pasukan itu malah denda berjoging tanpa rehat selama 2 jam akan turun dikenakan sebagai hukuman untuk pasukan itu. Secara tidak langsung pasukan JDT dapat memotivasikan diri untuk berlatih bersungguh-sungguh dan menuruti aturan Izzul lalu memenangi banyak perlawanan bola sepak.

5. Behavioral Theories
(Keyword: Berdasarkan Sikapnya, Kepimpinan Yang Melibatkan Perubahan Sikap, Fokus Kepada Antara Hasil Kerja Atau Nilai Kemanusiaan)

i) OCTOCRATIC (Kuku Besi: If I Want "X" You Have To Produce "X" No Excuse, Tak Nak Ambil Tahu Hal Lain Selain Kerja)
- CONTOH: Puan Nurul seorang majikan yang sangat lembut dan boleh dirunding, tetapi suatu hari itu Nurul tegas dan tidak berlembut dengan pekerjanya Ali kerana melakukan kesilapan, Ali meminta maaf dan cuba jelaskan punca kesilapan yang berlaku, Nurul tidak mahu dengar apa jua alasan lalu meminta Ali menyiapkan kerjanya semula hari ini juga.

ii) DEMOCRATIC (Boleh Dipertimbangkan)
- CONTOH: Mr. Kuhan adalah majikan sebuah syarikat servis Penyelenggaraan Umum yang sangat ramah, pada suatu hari Shafiq jurutekniknya selesai kerja awal lalu berborak dengan Kuhan, secara tidak sengaja Shafiq melafaskan kata "Bosan pula kerja habis awal", lalu secara pantas Kuhan yang tenang memberi Shafiq tugas tambahan untuk Shafiq siapkan.

iii) LEASURE-FAIR (Tak Kisahlah Apa Nak Jadi, Janji Siap Kerja)
- CONTOH: Adib seorang Pegawai atasan Pejabat Tanah, Adib meminta pembantunya Syahmi menghantar sebuah dokumen penting kepadanya pada esok hari iaitu Khamis, namun Syahmi terlepas pandang lalu terlupa hantar dan menghantar dokumen itu lewat sehari iaitu Jumaat. Dengan tenang Adib menerima dokumen itu tanpa sebarang isu berlaku dan mengangap tugasnya itu sudah selesai.

Prinsip Pengurusan - Pengambilan (Recruitment) VS Pemilihan (Selection)

Prinsip Pengurusan

Pengambilan / Pengumpulan Pekerja (Recruitment)
Pemilihan / Senarai Akhir Tapisan (Selection)


Pengambilan merupakan proses Menarik / Mengumpul dan Memberitahu akan kehendak organisasi untuk mengisi kekosongan jawatan dalam sesuatu organisasi yang boleh dimohon oleh calon penjawat bagi jawatan yang bersesuaian dan calon penjawat yang terbaik daripada yang terbaik serta layak dari segi memenuhi kriteria seperti yang ditetapkan dalam Deskripsi Kerja dan Spesifikasi Kerja.

Secara ringkasnya Pengambilan ini bertujuan untuk Mengumpul dan Menapis calon temuduga yang ingin mengisi kekosongan jawatan di sesebuah organisasi yang memerlukannya. Perkara ini kebiasaannya dilakukan dalam sesi Temuduga Pertama antara Pengurus Tahap Pertengahan sebagai penemuduga dengan para calon temuduga dalam Senarai Tapisan Awal.


Pemilihan merupakan proses Memilih / Menentukan calon yang layak dan akan dipilih untuk menjadi pekerja atau pasukan atau sebahagian daripada sesuatu organisasi itu.

Secara ringkasnya Pemilihan ini bertujuan untuk Memilih Senarai Tapisan Akhir calon temuduga yang ingin mengisi kekosongan jawatan di sesebuah organisasi yang memerlukannya. Perkara ini kebiasaannya dilakukan dalam sesi Temuduga Kedua dan Selanjutnya antara Pengurus Tahap Tertinggi sebagai penemuduga dengan para calon temuduga dalam Senarai Tapisan Akhir.

Prinsip Pengurusan - Definisi Penjawatan / Pengambilan Kakitangan (Staffing)

Prinsip Pengurusan
Definisi Penjawatan / Pengambilan Kakitangan (Staffing)
Image result for staffing

Pengambilan Pekerja / Penjawatan (Staffing) adalah sebuah fungsi pengurusan pekerja / pasukan yang melibatkan struktur organisasi melalui Pengambilan, Pemilihan dan Pembangunan yang betul dan berkesan untuk mengisi peranan yang diberikan kepada tenaga kerja / pekerja.
"Pengambilan Pekerja / Penjawatan berkaitan dengan Pengambilan (Recruitment), Pemilihan (Selection), Pembangunan (Development) dan Pampasan Bawahan (Compensation of Subordinates)." - Theo Haimann
"Pengambilan Pekerja / Penjawatan adalah fungsi di mana pengurus membina organisasi melalui Pengambilan (Recruitment)Pemilihan (Selection), Penempatan (Placement), dan Pembangunan (Development) individu sebagai pekerja yang berkebolehan." - McFarland
Pengambilan Pekerja / Penjawatan juga boleh didefinisikan dengan sesuatu proses memenuhi kekosongan posisi jawatan dalam organisasi dari kalangan calon penjawat yang dapat memenuhi Spesifikasi Kerja (Job Specification) atau syarat kelayakannya serta memahami dan mampu melaksanakan kerja seperti dalam Deskripsi Kerja (Job Description) atau skop tanggungjawab kerja jawatan yang dimohon seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh sesuatu organisasi.

Pengambilan Pekerja / Penjawatan juga boleh dikatakan sesuatu proses mencari dan mencukupkan kekosongan jawatan dalam sesebuah organisasi dengan menggunakan langkah Pengambila(Recruitment), Pemilihan (Selection) dan Penempatan (Placement) / Menawarkan Jawatan (Position Offer).

Image result for staffing

Pengambilan Pekerja / Penjawatan juga boleh dianggap sebagai salah satu Fungsi Pengurusan yang penting yang terlibat dalam membina organisasi manusia. Dalam Pengambilan Pekerja, pengurus mencabar untuk mencari orang yang tepat untuk setiap pekerjaan. Kakitangan membetulkan tanggungjawab pengurus untuk merekrut dan memastikan bahawa terdapat tenaga kerja yang mencukupi untuk mengisi pelbagai jawatan yang diperlukan dalam organisasi. Pengambilan kakitangan melibatkan pemilihan dan latihan pengurus masa depan dan sistem ganjaran yang sesuai. Kakitangan mungkin tidak boleh dilakukan sekali dan untuk semua, kerana orang sering pergi, mendapat dipecat, bersara. Selalunya juga, transformasi dalam organisasi menghasilkan kedudukan baru, dan ini mesti diisi.

Leadership Theory - Mark Zuckerberg

Mark is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company. He leads the design of Facebook's service and development of its core technology and infrastructure.

“Understanding people is not a waste of time.”
—Mark Zuckerberg

Image result for mark zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg illustrates the transformational leadership style in action. He is described as encouraging and aggressive. A person who always demands constant innovation and growth, he loves debates and challenges. He uses all 3 styles of leadership (autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire). He commands his employees to do their assigned work but also constantly asks for feedback from everybody. He believes in his employees and treats them equally. Some reasons why his employees love him are:

  • He is Throwing Away Traditional Hierarchies: Rather than slotting people into roles based on age and experience, everyone’s ideas are valued in clear and obvious ways.
  • He is Removing Barriers: Part of doing away with hierarchies is breaking down the barriers between executives and other employees. Zuckerberg’s office has glass walls. 
  • He has Legitimacy: He single-handedly took an idea and using his own skills and savvy he turned it into an empire. He changed the way we stay connected with each other
  • He has a Clear Vision: Mark Zuckerberg’s life’s ambition is to create a more open and connected world and his commitment to that goal is unwavering.
  • He is fearless: Whether or not his employees agree with his decisions, Zuckerberg has the courage to act and the intelligence to back up his decisions
  • He Ignores Pointless Workplace Traditions: Zuckerberg shows respect for his employees by measuring the quality of their work, not by nitpicking the way they dress or decorate their desks. The CEO himself regularly wears jeans and hoodies to work, setting the example that it is the work that matters, not the minutiae.
  • He Gives Out Perks: It is hard to bash a boss who provides free lunches and a relaxed work environment. Being able to de-stress without leaving your workplace is a luxury that not many employees have.
  • He Empowers Employees: Employees at Facebook are able to act in creative ways outside the confines of bureaucracy and tradition that exist at many other larger companies. It is a difficult thing to run a company with thousands of employees in a way that maintains adaptability at the individual level.
  • He is Deeply Involved: Give most people $33 billion and you will have a very hard time getting them to ever show up at work again. The fact that Mark Zuckerberg remains so engaged and deeply involved with the vision and operations of Facebook demonstrates that he is not in it for the money, he legitimately wants to change the world.
  • He Communicates and is Available: The “Zuck Reviews” described way back at bullet number one of this article speak to Zuckerberg’s commitment to effective and regular communication. Zuckerberg stays engaged without micro-managing, the trademark of a great leader.
Despite all these strengths he has weaknesses like any other CEO.
One of his weaknesses that he is aware of is that sometimes he doesn't consult with his board before he makes decisions.

Monday, November 26, 2018

What Makes an Effective Leader?

What Makes an Effective Leader?


  • Identify the traits of effective leaders.
  • Differentiate between task-centered and employee-centered leadership behavior.
  • Differentiate between autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire styles of leadership.

As people have pursued an understanding of what makes an effective leader, their attention has often moved to the key personal traits those leaders exhibit. The idea is that identifying those common traits will help businesses identify effective leaders and help individuals know how to become better leaders. What are some of those common traits?

Research on traits has many critics. One example that follows will illustrate that someone perceived as a leader may not be the most effective leader in the long run. Nevertheless, some companies will use traits or personality in making hiring or promotion decisions.

Leadership Traits

A pie chart of leadership traits. Each slice in the chart indicates a different trait: Drive; Desire to lead; Honesty/integrity; Self-confidence/self-esteem; Open-mindedness; Intelligence; Extraversion; and Knowledge of the business.


Leaders tend to be highly motivated individuals. This inner drive is reflected in a number of common ways. They reflect a greater effort level in general, they strive for achievement, they have greater ambition, they work with greater energy, they are often tenacious, and they are more likely to take the initiative rather than wait for someone else to do so.

Desire to Lead

Effective leaders also tend to have a strong desire toward leadership roles and functions. Although others are happier to allow others to take the lead, leaders want to do so themselves.


The moral aspect of leadership is highly significant. Effective leaders must demonstrate high levels of honesty and integrity. This is essential to inspiring confidence and trust from employees and other followers, without which a leader is not likely to be effective. Dishonesty may not always be revealed at first, but it usually is with time. There are many stories of business leaders who are successful for a period of time but later find themselves in serious trouble due to dishonest or unethical practices. For example, Martin Winterkorn became embroiled in ethical and legal controversy after a period of strong success as CEO of Volkswagen.

Self-Esteem /Self-Confidence

These two elements, self-esteem and self-confidence, are closely related and tend to be prominent in leaders. Perhaps it is best to view these traits in terms of the negative perspective. A lack of self-esteem and self-confidence is very problematic for a leader. When these traits are lacking, doubts arise and insecurities plague a leader’s activities. The leader tends to be confident that his beliefs, plans, and actions are correct (hopefully with good reason). This confidence is important in that it enables the leader to persist steadfastly in the right course even when there are obstacles and doubts from others.


At the same time, effective leaders also tend to be open-minded to new ideas and experiences. They recognize that innovation is often valuable, and they also tend to consider ideas and suggestions from others. Self-confidence and self-esteem do not have to conflict with this spirit of open-mindedness. When they do, the result is generally harmful.


One obvious trait that many people look for in leaders is intelligence. Studies have shown that this is indeed an important qualification. It has been suggested, however, that pure cognitive ability is a “threshold” qualification. That is, it is important for the entrance into leadership roles. However, once within the leadership circle, most individuals have relatively high intelligence levels, so mere cognitive ability is not enough to distinguish a leader from other leaders.

Further, pure cognitive ability is only one type of intelligence. Relational and emotional intelligence are also important aspects for leaders to develop. An over-reliance on strict cognitive intelligence can be very inhibiting to effective leadership.


Picture of Bill Gates with his name written beside him
Bill Gates, Microsoft
Picture of Mark Zuckerberg with black background
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

Another unsurprising personality trait that is commonly associated with leadership is being an extrovert. Leaders tend to be outgoing and social in their personalities, which helps them take the lead and act with initiative. It also helps them with the important aspect of connecting to and inspiring others through relationships.

Though many leaders are extraverts, there are certainly examples of successful leaders who are not. Sometimes other strengths are sufficient to compensate for not being an extravert, or sometimes a leader who is not naturally an extravert is able to train himself to be more outgoing in behavior when needed, though this still does not generally change the leader’s basic personality. Bill Gates of Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook are two prominent examples of extremely successful leaders who are introverts by personality.

Knowledge of the Business

Another key ingredient in the leadership trait mix is knowledge of the business. Even if an individual has all the natural personality traits desired of leaders, a lack of knowledge and experience is usually impossible to overcome. A leader must be competent in his field, and the most effective leaders are usually experts with deep insight.

Styles of Leadership

Though a trait-based analysis of leaders is a common approach, another way to evaluate leaders is to analyze their behavioral leadership styles.

Task-Centered or Employee-Centered

Most behavioral leadership styles fall within two broad categories: task-centered styles and employee-centered styles.

Task-centered styles of leadership focus on giving instructions and directions to group members to reach achievement and accomplishment goals more efficiently and effectively. The focus is on the objective analysis of what needs done and the specific course of actions that should be taken to meet those needs. Employees are seen as resources to be used to accomplish the goals.

Employee-centered styles of leadership focus less on objective actions or plans and more on building the relationships between themselves and their followers. By encouraging and supporting them, the leader hopes to make them more qualified, confident, and productive. His focus is on developing his employees and inspiring them to follow the vision he has provided. Employee-centered styles are also often referred to as people-centered or relationship-centered.

Of course, many leaders would hope to combine qualities from both of these styles, but the tendency is for individual leaders to focus more strongly on one or the other.

Autocratic, Democratic, or Laissez-faire

A leader’s style can often be identified by the manner in which he makes decisions, especially the degree to which he involves his employees. This aspect of leadership is often divided into a spectrum with three broad categories: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.

A quotation from Eleanor Roosevelt that says, "A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves."

An autocratic leader makes decisions without significant employee involvement in the process. He works from an authoritarian perspective. This approach often corresponds to a task-centered style. This approach can be faster and more efficient than more discursive approaches. 

An autocratic leader makes decisions without significant employee involvement in the process. He works from an authoritarian perspective. This approach often corresponds to a task-centered style. This approach can be faster and more efficient than more discursive approaches. 

A democratic approach strongly involves the employee team in the decision-making process. This can take a variety of forms. For example, the employees may discuss the issue together as a group, followed by the leader making the final decision. Alternatively, the leader might agree to allow the employees a final vote in the matter. In any case, employees have a significant role to play in the process. 

A laissez-faire approach is a very hands-off approach to leadership. Instead, employees make decisions on their own. This approach generally leads to lower productivity, but it may be the best where employees are experts or where creativity is needed.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Maksud Prasangka, Stereotaip dan Diskriminasi

Apakah Sebenarnya Maksud Prasangka, Stereotaip dan Diskriminasi?

Prejudis / Prasangka
Prejudis bermakna sikap atau tanggapan yang lazimnya bersifat negatif terhadap sesuatu kumpulan manusia atau ras yang berlainan atau sikap yang dibentuk berdasarkan generalisasi yang tidak rasional kerana kumpulan tersebut mempunyai kualiti tersebut.

Stereotaip bermakna kenyataan umum tentang sesuatu kumpulan etnik. Gambaran berlebihan tentang sesuatu perlakuan baik dan buruk yang ditujukan kepada sesuatu kumpulan etnik. Pandangan rendah berteraskan interaksi dan semangat perkauman.

Diskriminasi bermakna satu proses apabila ahli sesuatu kumpulan atau kategori dalam masyarakat dinafikan hak untuk mendapat layanan yang saksama dari segi undang-undang dan hak untuk menikmati manfaat sosial yang lain

#maksudprasangkadalamhubunganetnik #diskriminasimaksud #contohstereotaipdimalaysia #contohprejudis #maksuddiskriminasi #maksudprasangka #maksudstereotaip #hubunganetnik

Integrasi Dan Integrasi Sosial

Kesepaduan Sosial Melalui Akomodasi, Akulturasi, Asimilasi dan Amalgamasi

FORMULA --> A + B + C = A + B + C

*a,b,c mewakili budaya setiap etnik 

Setiap kumpulan etnik sedar dan hormat kepada norma dan nilai kumpulan etnik lain tetapi tetap mempertahankan budaya hidup masing-masing dan hidup secara aman dan harmoni.

Setiap etnik diwakili oleh sistem politik, ekonomi dan pendidikan masing-masing.

Contohnya di Malaysia terdapat etnik Melayu, Cina, India dan lain-lain.

Dalam sistem politik: 
i) Melayu diwakili oleh PAS, PKR, UMNO
ii) Cina diwakili oleh MCA, DAP, GERAKAN
iii) India diwakili oleh MIC, PPP, IPF


FORMULA --> A + B + C = A

*a, b, c mewakili etnik berlainan

Proses pencantuman dan penyatuan antara kumpulan etnik berlainan budaya sehingga membentuk satu kelompok budaya yang sama menyebabkan berlaku penghapusan penuh perbezaan tersebut.

Kumpulan etnik yang majoriti/dominan akan mendominasi unsur kebudayaan etnik lain, tetapi tidak melibatkan pertukaran agama.

Contoh: Etnik Jawa, baba dan nyonya, cina kelantan

Budaya etnik B dan C (minoriti) hilang dalam budaya A (majoriti) dan membentuk satu budaya sahaja iaitu A.

Contoh: Baba dan Nyonya hidup cara Melayu, makan makanan Melayu, berpakaian Melayu, bertutur bahasa Melayu tetapi agamanya tetap agama Buddha.


FORMULA --> A + B = X

*a,b: etnik berlainan, x: budaya/etnik baru yang dilahirkan daripada percampuran a dan b

Proses di mana budaya atau ras bercantum untuk membentuk budaya atau etnik yang baru (e.g. perkahwinan campur)


Penerimaan unsur kebudayaan asing dalam satu kelompok manusia hingga unsur kebudayaan asing diterima dalam kebudayaan sendiri (usually more than one aspect in a budaya) 

Contoh; pakaian, makanan, bahasa

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How to Write a Strategic Plan By Meor Fazrul Cikgu Meow

Not to oversimplify how to create a strategic plan, but by placing all the parts of a plan into three areas, you can clearly see how the pieces fit together. The three pieces of the puzzle are:
  • Where are we now?
  • Where are we going?
  • How will we get there?
Each part has certain elements to show you how and where things fit it. Our 4-Phase Guide to Strategic Planning lays out each step of the planning process.

Where are we now?

As you think about where your organization is now, you want to look at your foundational elements (mission and value) to make sure there has not been a change. More than likely, you will not revise these two areas very often. Then you want to look at your current position or your strategic position. This is where you look at what is happening internally and externally to determine how you need to shift or change. You should review your strategic position regularly through the use of a SWOT. These elements are as follows:
  • Mission statement: The mission describes your organization’s purpose — the purpose for which you were founded and why you exist. Some mission statements include the business of the organization. Others explain what products or services they produce or customers they serve. Does your mission statement say what you do? Why does your organization exist?
  • Values and/or guiding principles: This clarifies what you stand for and believe in. Values guide the organization in its daily business. What are the core values and beliefs of your company? What values and beliefs guide your daily interactions? What are you and your people really committed to?
  • SWOT: SWOT is an acronym that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These elements are crucial in assessing your strategic position with your organization. You want to build on your company’s strengths, shore up the weaknesses, capitalize on the opportunities, and recognize the threats.

Where are we going?

The elements of the question “Where are we going?” help you answer other questions such as “What will my organization look like in the future?”, “Where are we headed?”, and “What is the future I want to create for my company?” Because the future is hard to predict, you can have fun imagining what it may look like. The following elements help you define the future for your business:
  • Sustainable competitive advantage: A sustainable competitive advantage explains what your are best at compared to your competitors. Each company strives to create an advantage that continues to be competitive over time. What can you be best at? What is your uniqueness? What can your organization potentially do better than any other organization?
  • Vision statement: Your vision is formulating a picture of what your organization’s future makeup will be and where the organization is headed. What will your organization look like in 5 to 10 years from now?

How will we get there?

Knowing how you’ll reach your vision is the meat of your strategic plan, but it’s also the most time consuming. The reason it takes so much time to develop is because there are a number of routes from your current position to your vision. Picking the right one determines how quickly or slowly you get to your final destination.
The parts of your plan that layout your roadmap are listed below:
  • Strategic objectives: Strategic objectives are long-term, continuous strategic areas that help you connect your mission to your vision. Holistic objectives encompass four areas: financial, customer, operational, and people. What are the key activities that you need to perform in order to achieve your vision?
  • Strategy: Strategy establishes a way to match your organization’s strengths with market opportunities so that your organization comes to mind when your customer has a need. This section explains how you travel to your final destination. Does your strategy match your strengths in a way that provides value to your customers? Does it build an organizational reputation and recognizable industry position?
  • Short-term goals/priorities/initiatives: Short-term goals convert your strategic objectives into specific performance targets. You can use goals, priorities, or initiatives interchangeably. Here, I use goals to define short-term action. Effective goals clearly state what you want to accomplish, when you want to accomplish it, how you’re going to do it, and who’s going to be responsible. Each goal should be specific and measurable. What are the 1- to 3-year-goals you’re trying to achieve to reach your vision? What are your specific, measurable, and realistic targets of accomplishment?
  • Action items: Action items are plans that set specific actions that lead to implementing your goals. They include start and end dates and appointing a person responsible Are your action items comprehensive enough to achieve your goals?
  • Scorecard: A scorecard measures and manages your strategic plan. What are the key performance indicators you need to track to monitor whether you’re achieving your mission? Pick 5 to 10 goal related measures you can use to track the progress of your plan and plug them into your scorecard.
  • Execution: In executing the plan, identify issues that surround who manages and monitors the plan and how the plan is communicated and supported. How committed are you to implementing the plan to move your organization forward? Will you commit money, resources, and time to support the plan?

About META

Malaysian Executive Transformation Academy (META) is an educational consultant under the supervision of Meor Legacy. META has been awarded the Malaysia Book Of Records certification for the Most Number of Participants In A Young Entrepreneurship Competition, with neurological-based learning platform for helping people create and execute better strategy. With online tools and hands-on services, META delivers strategic guidance and the tactical support for turning strategy into a management practice.

Meor Fazrul Cikgu Meow

Meor Fazrul a.k.a Cikgu Meow is the CEO  of Meor Legacy and a founder of META. He has developed the format and the user interface for the Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award-Winning, META online strategic management system. In addition, he is the author of Strategic Planning Book that is 28 Tips Of Business Development, 3rd Edition. Meor Fazrul has developed and reviewed hundreds of strategic plans for public and private entities across Asian countries. He is a former head of entrepreneurship trainer at Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah Polytechnic, Kulim (PTSB) and former trainer from Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). He holds a Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, an BT in Facilities Management and Malaysia Book Of Records certification for the Most Number of Participants In A Young Entrepreneurship Competition.

Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) TV3 Bersama Meor Fazrul (Cikgu Meow)

  Jom tonton Meor Fazrul (Cikgu Meow) bersama Mr. Musashi Kun (Kucing BSH) dalam Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) TV3 pada 16 November 2021 (Selasa)....